We are here to help you advance your career and increase your earnings

Advance Your Career: Earn More
Call or email us for a free 20 minute resume/career discussion.We are here to help you advance your career and increase your earnings.
We are here to help you advance your career and increase your earnings.
Frequently Asked Questions
Need Professional Help With Your Resume?
We have selected a number of questions that are commonly asked of our Resume Writing Experts and Career Consultants. If you do not find what you are looking for here, please give us a call at 416-438-3606 or email us at info@resumeworld.ca
Frequently Asked Questions
Who would benefit from the services provided by Résumé World Inc.?
Anyone who wants to enhance their career and secure more meaningful employment.
What kind of individuals seek the services of Résumé World Inc.?
Clients include career oriented individuals from all areas of business, industry, government, educational, and non-profit sectors, worldwide. From new graduates to senior executives, we provide résumé consultation and writing services to clients who are:
Seeking to enhance their careers within the same field
New graduates entering the work force
Laid-off, re-entering the job market
Changing careers from one field to another
New to the country or relocating
Pursuing employment in other countries
At Résumé World Inc. we have provided career services to Engineers, VP of Finance, Auditors, VP of Sales/Marketing, IT Specialists, Doctors, Lawyers, Educators, HR Directors and Deans of Universities.
What distinguishes Résumé World from other companies?
Our writing expertise sets us apart from other companies. Apart from writing letters and résumés, Résumé World has developed contract-winning business proposals, marketing letters for start up companies, and speeches.
Should Résumé World prepare my résumé, would it reflect my background?
Certainly, each résumé that is written by Résumé World is individually developed to reflect your skills and experience in a manner that you can support with confidence at an interview. That is the reason for our clients being very successful.
Can Résumé World Inc. be trusted to maintain strict confidentiality of my information?
Yes, our company was built to represent the best interest of our clients. Often we are privy to highly sensitive information regarding our clients, their current employers and their prospective employers.
My background is unique, highly technical and complex, how would Résumé World Consultants be able to write on my behalf?
Our unique clientele range from astrologers to zoologists and include falconry specialists, farriers and aquaculture technicians. Much research is conducted to understand highly technical information, required qualification and industry related trends. Our consultants are careful to represent our clients in a manner that is a delicate blend of technical and industry specific information and the type of language that would appeal to a human resources personnel. This is important to the success of your résumé getting to the top in the screening process used by many corporations.
I am an excellent writer and knows my background better than anyone else how can you assist me?
Our trained Consultants have sound knowledge of the job market and can provide the objectivity and strategy required to transfer a well written résumé into a highly effective marketing tool.
How long should a résumé be?
The length of most résumé s is two pages. However, electronic résumés can be many pages in length. Please note that the effectiveness of the content is much more important than the length.
What is the most effective résumé format?
There is no format that works for everyone. Each résumé is as unique as the person that is represented by the document. The format of the résumé should be determined based on your particular background and objective.
Are your prices competitive?
Yes, there are companies that are less expensive and those that charge more. We have maintained the pricing structure that provides our clients with value. The combination of value and results is the key to our success in enjoying a referral and repeat client rate of over 75%
How secure is it to process payment using your e-commerce feature?
Orders placed on our site are encrypted using SSL (secure socket layer) technology, so rest assured that your transactions are protected. With SSL implemented on both the client and server, information sent via the Internet can be trusted to arrive privately and unaltered to our server.
Please note that e-mail is not encrypted and is not considered a secure means of transmitting credit card numbers.
What if I am not satisfied with the résumé that you prepare for me?
Your satisfaction is our goal. It is for this reason, that we subject every writing service that is provided to you for your approval. As such, we are committed to work collaboratively with you until you are satisfied.
How long do you keep my file?
Your file is confidentially stored for life. This feature of our service has proven to be very beneficial to our clients who have relocated, lost their files and found themselves needing to send off a résumé in a hurry.
What qualification is required of your consultants?
All of our Consultants are required to possess a post-secondary education, preferably in an area where much research and writing is required. In addition, they are tested for writing aptitude, analytical skills and attention to details. Upon being hired, they are provided with extensive in-house/external training to ensure the caliber and integrity of their writing skills.
Are your Consultants Certified by any associations?
After much research into this area, we have found no known credible Résumé Writing associations. Résumé World Inc. is a registered corporation with a history of over ten years. We have earned an excellent industry-wide reputation. Therefore any association with such organizations would be based strictly on credibility and not marketing advantage.
Yes, we do have many clients who are willing to attest to the results that they have obtained. However, our strict confidentially code of conduct does not allow us to exploit our clients’ information for our gain. Nevertheless, we still benefit from the many referrals that we obtain and the repeat clientele that make our work so enjoyable.
Having a web site is no indication of a legitimate business. Why should I trust Résumé World Inc?
We agree that anyone can have a web site. However, Résumé World Inc. is a federally incorporated company that is governed by the regulations set forth by the Canada Corporation Act. Our company’s history and status can be verified by the Government of Canada.
What are the benefits of using Résumé World’s Services?
We can assist you throughout the job search process. For example, we can:
Locate job openings for you.
Write effective résumés and cover letters to launch your job search.
Provide company/labour market information so you can impress the interviewer with your knowledge of the company’s activities and industry trends.
Write thank you/follow-up letters so that you may secure a strategic advantage over your competitors after the interview.
Update your résumé and letter to assist you to advance your career.
Write your resignation letter to ensure you leave a positive reputation with your previous employer.
In essence, we can assist in most areas of your career. Résumé World Inc. can be the cornerstone of your career success as we have done for so many clients